Azravi kennel, Granheim, N-1860 Trøgstad, Norway, Tlf: +47 69 82 53 50

I got my first Rottweiler, a male,  back in 1989, "Dixro's Champ Hero", and I trade him against a bitch, "Rovaleco's_Yvox-Yrox", in 1992. Read why below.
After a failed veterinary visit combined with HD/AA-xrays and ID-marking, Hero didn't became the same dog and we was tinking to put him away before anyone became damaged. Never again a tatoo in the ear for our dogs. 
An unexpected phone resulted in a deal with Kennel Rovaleco in Sweden. 
She offered a exchange for Hero with a puppy. This deal save his life and it save us for a very sad ting to do, put Hero to sleep. 

The replacement for Hero was a lovely little woman and she get everyone she met to fall in love to her. She was the best friend of a Greyhound and I'm sure that she was one of the fastest Rottweilers in Norway in her youth.

July 17 2003 Yvox died and she leave us with a lot of good memories of a unique dog. We never forget you Yvox.

Yvox with her daughter Scsi and her granddaughter Grace, 17.07.2003.

Indi have become Int Ch

The year of 2010 start very well, on SKK's 2 days Int Dog show (My Dog) in Gothenburg, N Ch NW-07 BH Azravi's Independence, Indi, became BOS, got CACIB and became Int Ch on January 7th, and became BOB on January 8th. Indis daughter Unafortunas Capri Go To Azravi, Capri, won the junior class both days. She also became 4th best bitch on January 7th, not bad when it was 60 Rottweilers the first day and 53 Rottweilers the second day.

Indi og Wipz - BIM og BIR MyDog

Indi become BOO and Wipz BOB on day one of SKK My Dog 2010 Gothenburg (Photo: Ambolt kennel)

Indi BIR MyDog

Indi become BOB on day two of SKK My Dog 2010 Gothenburg (Photo: Ambolt kennel)

N Ch NW-07 BH Azravi's Independence, Indi, have been a father to a wonderful litter, born Dec. 5th 2008. We take one of the females and her name is Unafortunas Capri Go To Azravi, we just call her Capri.

Capri og IndiCapri

Here is Indi with his daugther Capri, she is a little wild one and she charm everybody.

Capri Capri Capri

Some photos of Capri taken in the end of March. It's not easy to get a wild girl to stay for five seconds.

N Ch Azravi's Independence, Indi, became BOB and got the title "Norwegian winner 2007 (NW-07) " on NKKs International dog show in Hamar 25.11.2007, in competition with 75 Rottweilers.

Indi NW07

We are wery proud of our little boy..

N Ch Azravi's Independence, Indi, have passed all test and are available for breeding.

We also have frozen semen availible.

KORAD Azravi's Gazzoletti have been in action again, and now also have the title BH B, congratulations from us.


Indi became N CH on Kongsberg Hundeklubb's dogshow 11.11.2006

We are very proud of our little boy.

Azravi's Gazzoletti have got the title KORAD, congratulations to Titti and Jan Malm for a great work with "Sprett".


Knut Sigurd Wildberg was jugding the breed and Group 2. It was 25 breeds in the group, so it was a lot of competition. BIS was jugded by Ove Gjermundsson.


Indi have many top places in the showring this year.

We have many good show results lately: Indi, Azravi's Independence, became best male and get CAC, CACIB, BOB og BOG 2 on NKKs int. dogshow in Kristiansand. In some dogshows for puppies some of the puppies after Zeno og Zena have became BOB and BOS.

Indi BIR NKK mai06

Indi with jugde Erwin Deutcher when he became BOB on NKK int dogshow May 7th 2006

Indi also became best male, get his first CAC, became BOB and BOG on Letohallen in March. He also have several good results in other dogshows, ex. 2. Best male on both NKK and NRK in Bergen. Azravi's Grace was BOS on NKK, get CAC and CACIB and became Norwegian Champion. A daughter of Zeno og Zena, Azravi's Kiana, became BOB puppy on NRKs dogshow.


N UCH Azravi's Grace

Azravi's Grace became Norwegian Champion on NKK's international dogshow in Bergen March 25th 2006.

We are wery proud of our lovely lady, she have give us lots of great times in the showring.


February 28th 2006 died our wery loving Azravi's Scsi. She was in her best time of life and it was very surpricing on all of us when we discover her illness. She have giving us a lot of joy in the 7 years she lived, 4 beatifuel litters and a fantastic good mother and friendly to everyone.

It is wery quiet here after you left us, we feel the emptiness after you. Rest in peace. We will never forget you.

December 15th we had to put away Wiseweiler's Ice O' Azravi after a period of illness. She was to weak for an operation and after the vet. had examinated here, we desided to let her pain go and put her away.

Scsi og Ice

Scsi and Ice will always have a place in our hearts, we never forget them.


Azravi's Pascal became Norwegian Champion on NKK's national dog show in Otta 17.08.2002. Our greatest gratulations to Idun and Asgeir Vindfjell for this exellent result. At last it payd off for all the travelling around the country to show this wunderful dog.

N UCH Azravi's Pascal

N CH Azravi's Pascal after N_S_CH_KORAD_Bærskvett's_Bamse_Brakar, (Brage) and Rovaleco's_Yvox_Yrox,  (Yvox)

We kept the bitch from our first litter, Azravi's_Scsi (called Scsi), so we have something to go on with. 
We have also get us a new Rottweiler puppy. It's a very lovely bitch from Wiseweiler kennel in Norway. Thanks to Ann for all help to choose the right puppy. 
It is a daughter of N_CH_Wiseweiler's_Disaster and N_CH_Demina's_Nana (called Bork and Nana), and her name is "Wiseweiler's_Ice_O'_Azravi",(called Ice).

From our second litter in 2001 we get one bitch back, Azravi's Embla, called Zena. She's a lovely bitch with a lot of personality and I think she will be a wonderful friend.

The next bitch we have is N CH Azravi's Grace. She's after Azravi's_Scsi and Zeno van het Berenschild from Belgium. This litter was born 15.05.2003.

From the litter in 2004 we kept one of the puppies. Hi's after Azravi's_Scsi and Wiseweiler's Lord, and his name is N CH NW-07 BH Azravi's Independence, called Indi. It will be a challenge to have a mail between all the females, but he was to special and he get right in to our hearts, so we did'nt sell him.

Azravi's Independence Indi Indi

Here is Indi easter 2005, a beatifuel boy, on next picture Indi is 10 months old, and in last picture 2 years.

Indi became a father on December 5th 2008 with Bittebit's Una, and they got 8 puppies, 3 males and 5 females. We got one of the females, and her name is Unafortunas Capri Go To Azravi. She is a active and funny puppy and even now when she is 9 weeks old she learn things very fast. It will be a lot of fun with her.

Ice, Yvox and Scsi sitting in the sun.
Our Rottweilers, Scsi, Ice, Zena, Grace, Indi, Luna, Mayday, Nova, Puma and Capri
Pictures of the puppies from our litters
Here will you find the padigree of Yvox, Scsi, Ice, Zena, Grace, Indi, Luna, Mayday, Nova, Puma and Capri
Last updated: 2010-01-23

