Azravi kennel, Granheim, N-1860 Trøgstad, Norway, Tlf: +47 69 82 53 50

Azravi's Scsi

Here you can see pictures from Scsi's litters.

Click on the litter you want to see pictures from

Scsi had some meetings with Bittebit's Kasper Lillebror, and March 3, 2002 puppies arrived. Pictures from the litter >>

We got a litter with Scsi and Zeno van het Berenschild, a gentleman from Belgium. They was born May 15, 2003. Pictures from the litter >>
Scsi was mated with Wiseweiler's Lord and the resault was born July 6th 2004. Pictures from the litter >>
Scsi and Irk Von Der Holzhaussiedlung got a litter May 16, 2005. Unfortunately 3 of the puppies died because of heart failure. Pictures from the litter >>>