Azravi kennel, Granheim, N-1860 Trøgstad, Norway, Tlf: +47 69 82 53 50

Litters from Azravi's Scsi

Born april 4th 1999 - Dead february 28th 2006

Parents: N S CH KORAD Bærskvett`s Bamse Brakar and Rovaleco`s Yvox-Yrox

Litter born 15.05.2003 (3 males and 4 females)
Father: Zeno Van Het Berenschild
(All photos: Ivar Aanes)
I sleep where I feel for it!! It's difficult to learn to eat from a spoon..
It's a long way down on this side also.... Hey, do you live or did you just knock you self out??
Do you see something out there? Nice sleep posision or what?
...or what about this way to sleep?? This one I will take care of by myself..
..I still think I kan do it on my own... ..hey, help me on this.. two try first with this rope... ...okey, all toghether now..
I don't care with the stick anymore, a ball will do.. ..we also want to play with the ball
I think I stay out of this Here we can relax
This is my toy, so just stay away
Pictures from Scsis litter born 2002 Pictures from Scsis litter born 2004
Pictures from Scsis litter born 2005
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Last updated: 06-Apr-2009